
您所在的位置:网站首页 good 的用法 good是什么意思


2024-02-26 01:03| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1. 愉快的;有趣的;令人愉快的Good means pleasant or enjoyable.

e.g. We had a really good time together...我们一起玩得真痛快。e.g. I know they would have a better life here...我知道他们在这里会生活得更好。

2. 好的;高品质的;高水准的Good means of a high quality, standard, or level.

e.g. Exercise is just as important to health as good food...锻炼与合理膳食对健康同等重要。e.g. His parents wanted Raymond to have the best possible education...父母想让雷蒙德接受最好的教育。

3. 擅长的;精通的;能干的If you are good at something, you are skilful and successful at doing it.

e.g. He was very good at his work...他工作非常出色。e.g. I'm not very good at singing...我不太擅长唱歌。

4. 有利的;有益的If you describe a piece of news, an action, or an effect as good, you mean that it is likely to result in benefit or success.

e.g. On balance biotechnology should be good news for developing countries...总的来说,生物技术对发展中国家应该是有利的。e.g. I had the good fortune to be selected...我有幸被选中。

5. 合情理的;理由充足的;有根据的A good idea, reason, method, or decision is a sensible or valid one.

e.g. They thought it was a good idea to make some offenders do community service...他们认为让一些违法者去社区做义工是个好主意。e.g. There is good reason to doubt this...有充分理由对此提出质疑。

6. 令人满意的;合适的;正确的If you say that it is good that something should happen or good to do something, you mean it is desirable, acceptable, or right.

e.g. I think it's good that some people are going...我认为一些人要去是好事情。e.g. It is always best to choose organically grown foods if possible.如果可能,最好还是挑选有机食品。

7. 精确的;准确的A good estimate or indication of something is an accurate one.

e.g. We have a fairly good idea of what's going on...我们对正在发生的事有着相当清楚的认识。e.g. This is a much better indication of what a school is really like...这是显示学校真面貌的一个更加精确的指标。

8. 划算的;收益可观的If you get a good deal or a good price when you buy or sell something, you receive a lot in exchange for what you give.


e.g. Whether such properties are a good deal will depend on individual situations...这样的地产是否可获得大笔收益还要视具体情形而定。e.g. The merchandise is reasonably priced and offers exceptionally good value.这些商品定价合理,很是划算。

9. 有利的;有益的If something is good for a person or organization, it benefits them.

e.g. Rain water was once considered to be good for the complexion...雨水曾一度被认为可以滋养皮肤。e.g. Nancy chose the product because it is better for the environment.南希选择这种产品是因为它更环保。

10. 好处;利益If something is done for the good of a person or organization, it is done in order to benefit them.

e.g. Furlaud urged him to resign for the good of the country...弗劳德敦促他为了国家的利益辞职。e.g. Victims want to see justice done not just for themselves, but for the greater good of society...受害者希望正义得到伸张,这不仅是为了他们自己,也是为了社会的更广泛的利益。

11. 差强人意;低劣;不好If someone or something is no good or is not any good, they are not satisfactory or are of a low standard.

e.g. If the weather's no good then I won't take any pictures...如果天气不好,我就不拍照了。e.g. I was never any good at maths.我数学向来就不好。

12. 没好处;没用处If you say that doing something is no good or does not do any good, you mean that doing it is not of any use or will not bring any success.

e.g. It's no good worrying about it now...现在就为此发愁根本没用。e.g. We gave them water and kept them warm, but it didn't do any good...我们给他们水喝,为他们驱寒,但是都不管用。

13. 善行;美德;合乎道德的行为Good is what is considered to be right according to moral standards or religious beliefs.

e.g. Good and evil may co-exist within one family.善与恶可能并存于一体。

14. 正直的;高尚的;品行好的Someone who is good is morally correct in their attitudes and behaviour.

e.g. The president is a good man...总统是个品行端正的人。e.g. For me to think I'm any better than a homeless person on the street is ridiculous.在我看来,认为我自己比街上的无家可归者要更加高尚是很可笑的。

15. (尤指小孩)乖的,恭顺的,有礼貌的Someone, especially a child, who is good obeys rules and instructions and behaves in a socially correct way.

e.g. The children were very good...孩子们非常听话。e.g. I'm going to be a good boy now...我现在要做个乖孩子了。

16. 好心的;体贴的Someone who is good is kind and thoughtful.

e.g. You are good to me...你对我很体贴。e.g. Her good intentions were thwarted almost immediately...她的好心几乎马上被人拒绝了。

17. (心情)愉快的Someone who is in a good mood is cheerful and pleasant to be with.

e.g. People were in a pretty good mood...人们的心情十分舒畅。e.g. He exudes natural charm and good humour...他表现出一种与生俱来的魅力和很强的幽默感。

18. 亲密的;友好的If people are good friends, they get on well together and are very close.

e.g. She and Gavin are good friends...她与加文是好朋友。e.g. She's my best friend, and I really love her.她是我最好的朋友,我真的很喜欢她。

19. (身体部位或器官)健全的,强健的A person's good eye, arm, or leg is the one that is healthy and strong, if the other one is injured or weak.

e.g. He turned his good eye on me and laughed.他用那只健全的眼睛看着我笑了。

20. 相当的;非常的You use good to emphasize the great extent or degree of something.


e.g. We waited a good fifteen minutes...我们等了足足15分钟。e.g. This whole thing's got a good bit more dangerous.整件事情变得更加危险了。

21. 好;很好You say 'Good' or 'Very good' to express pleasure, satisfaction, or agreement with something that has been said or done, especially when you are in a position of authority.

e.g. 'Are you all right?' — 'I'm fine.' — 'Good. So am I.'...“你还好吗?”——“我挺好。”——“那就好。我也还不错。”e.g. Oh good, Tom's just come in...哦,太好了,汤姆刚巧进来了。

22. see also: best;better;goods

23. 几乎;差不多'As good as' can be used to mean 'almost.'

e.g. His career is as good as over...他的事业差不多完蛋了。e.g. The vote as good as kills the chance of real reform.这次投票几乎是扼杀了一次真正改革的机会。

24. 为了共同利益If you do something for the common good, you do it for the benefit or advantage of everyone.

e.g. ...communities working together for the common good...为共同利益而团结协作的社区e.g. Many of them placed self-interest before the common good.他们中的许多人置一己私利于集体利益之上。

25. 对…有好处(或有帮助)If you say that something will do someone good, you mean that it will benefit them or improve them.

e.g. The outing will do me good...这次远足对我会有所助益。e.g. It's probably done you good to get away for a few hours...离开几小时或许对你有好处。

26. 永远;永久If something changes or disappears for good, it never changes back or comes back as it was before.

e.g. The days of big-time racing at Herne Hill had gone for good...在赫恩山举行盛大赛马会的日子早已一去不复返了。e.g. A few shots of this drug cleared up the disease for good.注射几次这种药物就根除了这种疾病。

27. (称赞某人)真行,真棒People say 'Good for you' to express approval of your actions.


e.g. 'He has a girl now, who he lives with.' — 'Good for him.'“他现在有女朋友了,他们住在一起。”——“他可真行啊。”

28. 善于做;精通于If someone is good for something, you can rely on them to provide that thing.

e.g. Joe was always good for a colorful quote...乔总能绘声绘色地旁征博引。e.g. She heard her father shouting that her mother was stupid, useless, and good for nothing but her money.她听到父亲叫嚷说母亲愚蠢无能,除了有点钱外一无是处。

29. 庆幸的是,幸运的是(英国英语中作 it's a good job, that)If you say it's a good thing, or in British English it's a good job ,that something is the case, you mean that it is fortunate.

e.g. It's a good thing you aren't married...幸好你没有结婚。e.g. It's a good job it happened here rather than on the open road.庆幸的是事故发生在这里而不是在公路上。

30. 修复;恢复;偿付;赔偿If you make good some damage, a loss, or a debt, you try to repair the damage, replace what has been lost, or repay the debt.


e.g. It may cost several billion roubles to make good the damage.也许要花上几十亿卢布才能赔偿这一损失。

31. 兑现,履行(诺言等)If someone makes good a threat or promise or makes good on it, they do what they have threatened or promised to do.

e.g. Certain that he was going to make good his threat to kill her, she lunged for the gun...他曾威胁要杀了她,而她确定他这次就要向她索命,便冲上前去拿枪。e.g. He was confident the allies would make good on their pledges.他相信盟友们会履行他们的承诺。

32. 获得成功;出名;发迹If someone makes good, they become successful, famous, or rich.

e.g. Both men are poor boys made good.两人都是出身贫穷,最终干出了一番事业。

33. (尤指在康复或修复后)同以前一样好If you say that something or someone is as good as new, you mean that they are in a very good condition or state, especially after they have been damaged or ill.

e.g. I only ever use that on special occasions so it's as good as new...我只在特别的场合下才使用它,所以它跟新的一样。e.g. In a day or so he will be as good as new.他大概一天工夫就会恢复过来。

34. (用于人名、地名或事物名前表示喜爱)亲爱的,可爱的You use good old before the name of a person, place, or thing when you are referring to them in an affectionate way.

e.g. Good old Harry. Reliable to the end...亲爱的哈里。永远值得信赖。e.g. There is nothing wrong with good old cauliflower cheese.这道令人喜爱的芝士菜花没有什么问题。

35. 优裕的生活;奢华安逸的生活If you say that someone is living the good life, you mean that they are living in comfort and luxury with few problems or worries.


36. to be in someone's good books -> see bookgood deal -> see dealin good faith -> see faithso far so good -> see fara good few -> see fewgood as gold -> see goldgood gracious -> see graciousgood grief -> see griefgood heavens -> see heavenfor good or ill -> see illgood job -> see jobgood lord -> see lordfor good measure -> see measurethe good old days -> see oldgood question -> see questionin good shape -> see shapeto stand someone in good stead -> see steadin good time -> see timetoo good to be true -> see trueto be as good as one's word -> see word




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